We decided to close our doors to clients on the 16th March 2020, knowing that we couldn't risk the health and wellbeing of us, as well as our clients and families. Within the week we had our classes up and running online, but teaching online isn't that easy. It's not what we knew, and it was well out of our comfort zone.
With a couple of lessons, and a new broadband provider, we managed to coax Neil online. Here's what he's discovered since and little about him:
I have to say, after 16 years of teaching and happy to get up in front of a thousand people, I was skeptical of teaching online – it took a couple of weeks and some lessons from Cat (and my wife) to feel comfortable with signing in, let alone teaching. A week in and I was already beginning to enjoy doing it, 4 months down the line and it's as if i've been doing it 16 years – it's the way forward for those who can’t get into the studio. We have some more vulnerable clients, this gives them the opportunity to practice from the comfort of their own home.

I've realised through teaching online that I've neglected the basics, stuff that I haven't done in a long time. To go back to this reminds me what I should and shouldn’t be doing – and moving my own body too! Teaching online is much more of a performance than teaching in person.
I have been missing the sport on TV, and going to see Arsenal play - ever since I was a young boy they've been my team. It's great to see games and competitions making their way back, even if not in real life!
Lockdown has given me the time to get back outdoors, I've enjoyed a couple of rounds of Golf, walking the dog and cycling. I have Pilates to thank for my ability to be able to do this, I've had 3 operations to remove discs from my spine and manage my scoliosis through Pilates. At 55 i can honestly say I don't have an ache or pain in my body – it makes me feel young - i just hope that continues.